Owned Social Metrics

The table below summarizes the metrics available for owned social analytics features. Learn more about owned social analytics features by reading our quickstart guide.

Please note that:

  • For X use twitter as the source name in API requests.


Account metrics

Name Metric Type Description
Page engaged users page_engaged_users int The number of people who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes any click.
Page fans page_fans int The total number of people who have liked your page.
Page fan adds page_fan_adds int The number of new people who have liked your page.
Page fan removes page_fan_removes int The number of people who have unliked your page.
Page post engagements page_post_engagements int The number of times people have engaged with your posts through reactions, comments, shares, etc.
Page impressions page_impressions int The number of times any content from your page (or about your page) entered a person's screen.
Page organic impressions (unique users) page_impressions_organic_unique int The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through unpaid distribution. This includes posts, stories, check-ins, social information from people who interact with your Page and more.
Page organic impressions page_impressions_organic int The number of times any post or story content from your page (or about your page) entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution.
Page impressions (unique users) page_impressions_unique int The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more.
Page impressions viral page_impressions_viral int The number of times any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.
Page impressions viral (unique users) page_impressions_viral_unique int The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.
Page video views page_video_views int The number of times your page's videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds.
Page video view time page_video_view_time int The total time, in milliseconds, people viewed your page's video.
Page fans gender and age demographics_gender_age nested-breakdown An estimated breakdown by gender and age of the people who have liked your page.
Page fans countries demographics_audience_country breakdown A breakdown by country of the people who have liked your page.
Page fans cities demographics_audience_city breakdown A breakdown by city of the people who have liked your page.
Page fans online day and time page_fans_heatmap heatmap The number of your fans who saw any posts on Facebook on a given day, broken down by hour of day in PST/PDT.

Post metrics

Name Metric Type Description
Post reactions reactions_count int Total reactions for the post.
Post clicks links post_clicks_link int Total number of clicks on links in the post.
Post clicks other post_clicks_other int Total number of clicks on other content in the post.
Post clicks photo post_clicks_photo int Total number of clicks on photos in the post.
Post clicks video post_clicks_video int Total number of clicks on videos in the post.
Post like reactions post_reactions_like_total int Total "like" reactions for the post
Post love reactions post_reactions_love_total int Total "love" reactions for the post.
Post wow reactions post_reactions_wow_total int Total "wow" reactions for the post.
Post haha reactions post_reactions_haha_total int Total "haha" reactions for the post.
Post sorry reactions post_reactions_sorry_total int Total "sorry" reactions for the post.
Post anger reactions post_reactions_anger_total int Total "anger" reactions for the post.
Post comments comments_count int Total number of comments for the post.
Post shares shares_count int Total number of shares for the post.
Post engagement engagements float Shares + comments + reactions + click counts.
Post engagement rate engagement_rate float The number of users who engaged with the post divided by the number that saw the post.
Post impressions post_impressions int The number of times the post entered a person's screen.
Post organic impressions post_impressions_organic int The number of times the post entered a person's screen throught un paid distribution.
Post engagement rate from page fans page_fans_engagement_rate float The number of page fans who engaged with the post divided by the number that saw the post.
Post clicks post_clicks int The number of times people clicked anywhere in the post without generating a story.
Post clicks (unique users) post_clicks_unique int The number of people who clicked anywhere in the post without generating a story.
Post engaged users post_engaged_users int The number of people who clicked anywhere in the post.
Post organic impressions (unique users) post_impressions_organic_unique int The number of people who had the post enter their screen through unpaid distribution.
Post impressions (unique users) post_impressions_unique int The number of people who had the post enter their screen.
Post video average time watched post_video_avg_time_watched int The average time (in milliseconds) for which people viewed the post's video.
Post video total view time post_video_view_time int The total time (in milliseconds) the post's video has been played for, including videos played for less than 3 seconds and replays. Returns 0 for reshared videos.
Post video views post_video_views int The number of times the post's video has been played for at least 3 seconds (or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds).
Post organic video views post_video_views_organic int The number of times the post's video, through unpaid distribution, has been played for at least 3 seconds (or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds).


Account metrics

Name Metric Type Description
Email contacts email_contacts int Total number of taps on the email link in the IG User's profile.
Followers total_followers_count int Total number of followers.
New followers follower_count int Number of new followers each day within the specified range.
Get directions clicks get_directions_clicks int Total number of taps on the directions link in the IG User's profile.
Phone call clicks phone_call_clicks int Total number of taps on the call link in the IG User's profile.
Text message clicks text_message_clicks int Total number of taps on the text message link in the IG User's profile.
Website clicks website_clicks int Total number of clicks on the website link in the Instagram user's profile.
Profile views profile_views int Total number of users who have viewed the Instagram user's profile.
Total impressions impressions int Total number of times the Instagram user's media have been viewed.
Followers gender and age demographics_gender_age nested-breakdown An estimated breakdown by gender and age of followers of the account.
Followers countries demographics_audience_country breakdown A breakdown by country of the followers of the account.
Followers cities demographics_audience_city breakdown A breakdown by city of the followers of the account.
Followers online day and time page_fans_heatmap heatmap A breakdown by day and hour (in PST/PDT) of when account followers are online.

Post metrics

Name Metric Type Description
Post comments comments_count int Total number of comments for the post.
Post engagement engagement int Sum of likes, comment, and saved counts on the IG Media.
Post engagement rate engagement_rate float The number of users who engaged with the post divided by the number that saw the post.
Post exits exits int Total number of times someone exited the story IG Media object.
Post impressions impressions int Total number of times the post has been seen.
Post likes like_count int Total "like" reactions for the post.
Post plays plays int Number of times the reels starts to play after an impression is already counted. This is defined as video sessions with 1 ms or more of playback and excludes replays.
Post reach reach int Total number of unique Instagram accounts that have seen the post.
Post replies replies int Total number of replies.
Post saves saved int Total number of unique Instagram accounts that have saved the post.
Post shares shares int Total number of shares.
Post taps back taps_back int Total number of taps to see this story IG Media object's previous photo or video.
Post taps forward taps_forward int Total number of taps to see this story IG Media object's next photo or video.
Post total Interactions total_interactions int Number of likes, saves, comments, and shares on the reel, minus the number of unlikes, unsaves, and deleted comments.
Post followers count engagement rate followers_count_engagement_rate float The percentage of followers that engaged with the post.
Post video views video_views int Total number of times the post's video has been seen.


Account metrics

Name Metric Type Description
Followers followers int Total number of followers
Organic follower gain organic_follower_gain int Total number of organic followers gained
Paid follower gain paid_follower_gain int Total number of paid followers gained
Desktop page views all_desktop_page_views int Total number of desktop page views
Mobile page views all_mobile_page_views int Total number of mobile page views
Page views all_page_views int Total number of page views

Post metrics

Name Metric Type Description
Post click count click_count int Total number of clicks for the post.
Post comment count comment_count int Total number of comments for the post.
Post engagement engagements float Total engagement for the post.
Post engagement engagement_rate float The number of users who engaged with the post divided by the number that saw the post.
Post impression count impression_count int Total number of impressions for the post.
Post like count like_count int Total number of likes for the post.
Post share count share_count int Total number of shares for the post.
Post video views video_view int Total number of video views for the post.


Account metrics

Name Metric Type Description
Fans fans int Total number of fans for the account.
Net new fans net_new_fans int Net net fans for the account.
Profile views profile_views int Total number of profile views for the account.
Video views video_views int Total number of video views for the account.

Post metrics

Name Metric Type Description
Post average watch time average_watch_time float The average watch time for the video.
Post comments comments int The total number of comments the video has received.
Post engagement Rate engagement_rate float Total engagement rate for the video.
Post engagement engagements float Total engagement for the video.
Post full video watched rate full_video_watch_rate float Percentage of viewers who viewed the whole video.
Post likes likes int The total number of likes the video has received.
Post reach reach int Total number of unique viewers who viewed the video.
Post shares shares int The total number of times the video has been shared.
Post video views video_views int The total number of views the video has received.


Account metrics

Name Metric Type Description
Followers followers_count int Total number of followers.

Post metrics

Name Metric Type Description
Post app install attempts app_install_attempts int A count of how many times an App Install event has occurred from the post
Post app opens app_opens int A count of how many times an App Open event has occurred from the post.
Post detail expands detail_expands int A count of how many times the post has been clicked to see more details.
Post email tweet email_tweet int A count of how many times the post has been shared via email.
Post engagement rate engagement_rate float Engagement rate for the post.
Post engagements engagements int A count of the number of times a user has interacted with the post.
Post favorites favorites int A count of how many times the post has been favorited.
Post hashtag clicks hashtag_clicks int A count of how many times a hashtag in the post has been clicked.
Post impressions impressions int A count of how many times the post has been viewed.
Post media clicks media_clicks int A count of how many times media such as an image or video in the post has been clicked.
Post media engagements media_engagements int A count of how many times media such as an image or video in the post has been clicked.
Post media views media_views int A count of all views (autoplay and click) of your media counted across videos, gifs, and images.
Post permalink clicks permalink_clicks int A count of how many times the permalink to the post (the individual web page dedicated to this post) has been clicked.
Post quote posts quote_tweets int A count of times a post has been reposted with a comment (also known as Quote).
Post replies replies int A count of how many times the post has been replied to.
Post reposts retweets int A count of how many times the post has been reposted.
Post unfavorites unfavorites int A count of how many times a favorite on the post was removed.
Post unquote posts unquote_tweets int A count of how many times a quote of the post was removed.
Post unreplies unreplies int A count of how many times a reply to the post was removed.
Post un-reposts unretweets int A count of how many times a repost of the post was removed.
Post url clicks url_clicks int A count of how many times a URL in the post has been clicked.
Post user follows user_follows int A count of how many times the User (post author) has been followed from this post.
Post user profile clicks user_profile_clicks int A count of how many times the User (post author) has had their profile clicked from this post.
Post user unfollows user_unfollows int A count of how many times the User (post author) has been unfollowed.
Post video starts video_starts int A count of how many times a video in the post started.
Post video views video_views int A count of how many times a video in the given post has been 50% visible for at least two seconds.
Post video viewed 100 video_viewed_100 int A count of how many times 100% of a video in the post was watched.
Post video viewed 25 video_viewed_25 int A count of how many times 25% of a video in the post was watched.
Post video viewed 50 video_viewed_50 int A count of how many times 50% of a video in the post was watched.
Post video viewed 75 video_viewed_75 int A count of how many times 75% of a video in the post was watched.
Post video viewed 95 video_viewed_95 int A count of how many times 95% of a video in the post was watched.