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Earned Media - Analytics Options

The API supports a number of pre-defined analysis options, plus the ability to specify a custom analysis using the supported dimensions and measures listed below.

To learn more about requesting analytics see the Analyzing Earned Media guide.

Please note that:

  • For X use twitter as the source name in analytics requests.
  • Output for News documents is subject to copyright restrictions.

Pre-defined analytics

This table summarizes the pre-defined analytics supported by the Meltwater API.

Analysis Type Endpoint Sources
Total volume
Overall number of mentions for the search, plus average per day and per hour
/v3/analytics/{searchId} News Blogs Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku
Daily/hourly volume
Daily and hourly breakdown of mentions volume
/v3/analytics/{searchId} News Blogs Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku
Top countries
Most frequent countries for authors of mentions / content
/v3/analytics/{searchId} News Blogs Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku
Top languages
Most frequent languages for mentions / content
/v3/analytics/{searchId} News Blogs Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku
Discrete sentiment breakdown of mentions / content
/v3/analytics/{searchId} News Blogs Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku
Top shared links
The links shared most in content that matches your search
/v3/analytics/{searchId}/top_shared_links News Blogs Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat Bilibili Youku
Top keyphrases
Most frequent key phrases that appear in the mentions / content
/v3/analytics/{searchId}/top_keyphrases News Blogs Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku
Top topics
Most frequent topics that appear in the mentions / content
/v3/analytics/{searchId}/top_topics News Blogs Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku
Top locations
Most frequent locations (country,state,city) of authors in the analyzed content
/v3/analytics/{searchId}/top_locations News Blogs Forums X Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku
Top entities
Most frequent entities that appear in the analyzed content
/v3/analytics/{searchId}/top_entities News Blogs Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku
Top tags
Most frequent hashtags that appear in the analyzed content
/v3/analytics/{searchId}/top_tags X Facebook Instagram
Top mentions
Most frequent social handles that appear in the analyzed content
/v3/analytics/{searchId}/top_mentions X Facebook Instagram
Top shared
The most 'shared' content matching the search
/v3/analytics/{searchId}/top_shared X
Top sources
Top (most frequent) authors of the content
/v3/analytics/{searchId}/top_sources X

Custom analytics


Dimension Description Example Value Sources
source Source of the document - called 'Source Type' in Explore "News"
News RSS Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom
source_name The name of the source of the document; for news the name of the publication, for social the social network / blog "Washington Post"
News RSS Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom
editorial_source_name For news sources only - the name of the source "Washington Post"
News RSS
source_url The url of the source of the document "https://nytimes.com"
News RSS Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom
keyphrase Keyphrases found within the document content "artificial intelligence"
News RSS Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom
sentiment Sentiment of the document or mention; positive, negative, neutral or unknown "positive"
News RSS Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom
language Language detected for the document "English"
News RSS Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom
location_country Country where the document was published "United Kingdom"
"South Korea"
News RSS Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom
location_state State where the document was published "California"
News X Facebook Douyin
location_city City where the document was published "Berlin"
News X Facebook
hashtag Hashtags that appear in the document's content "#ai"
Blogs Instagram Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Bilibili LineVoom
shared_link Links shared within articles and posts "http://www.newsite.com/link/to/article"
News Blogs Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku
author_name Name of the document's author "John Smith"
News RSS Blogs Comments Forums Facebook Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom
author_handle Handle of the document's author "@john_smith"
Blogs Comments Facebook Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom
entity_name The names of entities detected in the content "Emerging Technologies"
"Joe Biden"
News RSS Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom
entity_type The types of entities detected in the content "organization"
News RSS Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin WeChat RED Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom


Measure Description Example Value Sources
reach Reach for the document, for example number of followers for social authors, or estimate of number of visitors for a news site 1259
News RSS X Facebook Reddit Twitch Pinterest KakaoTalk
views Number of views of the social post 10045
X Twitch Bilibili Youku
engagement Total engagement for articles and posts across news and social, such as social echo for news, and shares and reports of social 2459
News Blogs Comments Forums X Facebook Instagram Pinterest Douyin RED Bilibili LineVoom