The Earned Media Export Console allows you to run API exports without writing code.
Export Console
${truncate(} (${})
${tag} (tag)
Recurring (${ prettyTimeUnit(data.item.window_time_unit) }
for ${data.item.window_size} ${ data.item.window_time_unit.toLowerCase() }
of data)Next run:
${ longFormattedDatetime(data.item.next_run_date) }
${ longFormattedDatetime(data.item.start_date) }
to${ longFormattedDatetime(data.item.end_date) }
Created at:
${ longFormattedDatetime(data.item.inserted_at) }
${ }
${ data.item.format }
Set a schedule for your export
Your export will be run once a ${selected.timeWindowUnit.toLowerCase()}
Each export will include ${selected.timeWindowSize} ${selected.timeWindowUnit.toLowerCase()}(s) of data.
Your export will be scheduled as followed
It will run each ${selected.timeWindowUnit.toLowerCase() }
at ${ formattedTimeWithIngestionDelay(selected.timeWindowStart) } ${selected.timezone}
on ${ weekdayString(selected.weekday) }
at ${ formattedTimeWithIngestionDelay(selected.timeWindowStart) } ${selected.timezone}
on the ${ monthDayLabel(selected.monthday) }
day of the month
at ${ formattedTimeWithIngestionDelay(selected.timeWindowStart) } ${selected.timezone}
(we allow a 30 minute window for data ingestion).
The following table shows the first three runs of the export. The export will be run immediately when it is created, then according to your chosen schedule.
Run Date | Window Start Date | Window End Date |
${ shortFormattedDatetime( } | ${ shortFormattedDatetime(forecast.start) } | ${ shortFormattedDatetime(forecast.end) } |