Compliance Changes

It is important to us that we provide fully-compliant APIs to our customers. As data providers update their terms over time we need to adjust our APIs to ensure they remain compliant.

On this page we give details of upcoming and past changes to the API for compliance reasons. If you have any questions about the recent changes please contact our Support team.

26th April 2022: Removal of YouTube reach field

In order to maintain compliance with the Terms of Service for YouTube we are no longer able to provide reach values for YouTube.

18th November 2020: Changes to Twitter and YouTube fields

To stay compliant with the latest Terms of Service for Twitter and YouTube we will be making some changes to the fields we provide through the Meltwater API.


Currently the Meltwater API provide Tweet URLs and Author handles for each tweet. We will be replacing these fields for tweets with the Tweet ID and the Author ID. Essentially the API will provide Twitter’s numeric identifiers for the tweet and its author, rather than the URL and handle.

Product / format Current fields New fields
Meltwater API - CSV URL, Influencer Tweet Id, Twitter Id
Meltwater API - JSON document_url document_authors[].name document_external_id document_authors[].author_external_id

The new fields have already been added to the API output to allow you to migrate your integration.

The current fields will be redacted from the APIs on the 18th November. Please ensure you have migrated to the new fields by this date.


Currently the Meltwater API provides the AVE field for YouTube data. To comply with YouTube terms of service this field will be redacted in the API from 18th November.