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Export & Streaming - Output Templates

This page provides details the templates you can use to export and stream earned media documents from the Meltwater platform.

If you do not specify a template for your export or stream you will receive fields in our legacy template documented here.

Important notes for all templates

  • All returned strings are encoded using UTF-16
  • All datetime values are output in ISO-8601 format, in UTC timezone.
  • Output for News documents is subject to copyright restrictions.
  • Fields marked ENTERPRISE-ONLY are only available to customers with an “Enterprise API” package.

JSON Format Templates

Templates designed for developers integrating Meltwater data into their solutions.

Field Path Description Type Example Values Earned Media Sources Owned Social Sources
Document Metadata - High-level details for documents, such as the document type and ID
Document ID id Unique ID of the document in the Meltwater platform string "1713459776000_K49ugt285FchyyIqJ15D85lyR5wA"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Published Date & Time published_date Date & time when the document was published by the source datetime "2024-01-01T14:30:45.000Z"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Indexed Date & Time indexed_date Date & time when the document was added to the Meltwater platform datetime "2024-01-01T14:30:45.000Z"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
URL url URL of the document string "https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/21/world/lyrid-meteor-shower-april-pink-moon-scn"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Parent URL parent.url The URL of the parent document, for example if this document is a reply string "https://lihkg.com/thread/3680511/page/29"
Comments Forums Facebook Reddit
Thread Title thread.title Title of the thread this document relates to string "What do you think of the latest iPhone?"
Forums Facebook KakaoTalk
Thread URL thread.url URL of the thread this document relates to string "https://lihkg.com/thread/3680511/page/29"
Forums Facebook Reddit Facebook
Document External ID external_id Unique ID of the document in the source platform string "1781005504061268063"
Source Metadata - Details of the source that the document originates from
Information Type source.information_type Information type of the source, for example 'news' string "news"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Source ID source.id Unique ID of the source in the Meltwater platform string "social:tiktok"
News RSS Blogs Comments Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Source Type source.type The type of the source, for example a forum string "online news"
"social network"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Source Name source.name The name of the source string "New York Times"
News RSS Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Source URL source.url URL of the source online string "http://www.bbc.com"
News RSS Blogs Comments Forums Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Outlet Types source.outlet_types The type of outlet, when a news source array(string) "magazine"
Match Context - Details of why this document has been matched for output
Matched Input matched.inputs Inputs that caused the document to match array(object) {"type": "search", "name": "My Search", "id": 1234 }
{"type": "tag", "name": "My Tag" }
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Keywords matched.keywords Keywords that were found and led to the match array(string) "Tesla"
"artificial intelligence"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Hit Sentence matched.hit_sentence Sentence within the document that led to the match string "..announced today that they plan to launch a new product featuring new AI capabilities..."
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok
Author - Details of the document's author, such as name or handle
Author Name author.name Name of the document's author string "John Smith"
News RSS Blogs Reviews Forums Facebook YouTube Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook TikTok X
Author Handle author.handle Handle of the document's author string "john_smith"
Blogs Comments Facebook Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Instagram TikTok X
Author Profile URL author.profile_url Profile URL of the document's author string "https://instagram.com/john_smith"
Blogs Reviews Facebook YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Instagram X
Author External ID author.external_id ID of the author in the source platform string "1363119296"
Content - Content fields for the document, such as title
Title content.title Title of the document string "Today Joe Biden announced his plans for social care"
News RSS Blogs Forums Facebook YouTube Reddit Twitch Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk
Opening Text content.opening_text Opening text of the document string "In the past 20 years, the reverence for the film has only grown, to the point that Napoleon (Jon Heder), Pedro (Efren Ramirez) and Uncle ..."
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
By Line content.byline By line of the document, as provided for news articles string "Written by Jane Doe"
News RSS
Image URL content.image URL for the main image of a document string "http://images.newsite.com/path/to/image.jpg"
News Blogs Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Instagram TikTok
Hashtags content.hashtags Hashtags within the document content array(string) "#ai"
Blogs Instagram YouTube Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Bilibili LineVoom Facebook Instagram TikTok
Mentions content.mentions Mentions within the document content array(string) "@BBC"
Instagram YouTube Instagram
Emojis content.emojis Emojis within the document content array(string) "😂"
Blogs Comments Forums Facebook Instagram Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram TikTok
Links content.links Links found within the document content array(string) "http://www.newsite.com/link/to/article"
News Blogs Forums Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Wechat Bilibili Youku LineVoom
Content Type content_type The type of content contained in the document string "news article"
"blog post"
"forum post"
"forum post reply"
"direct message"
"social post"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Enrichments - Enrichments applied by the Meltwater platform, such as sentiment
Language Code enrichments.language_code 2-letter code of the language detected for the document string "en"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Sentiment enrichments.sentiment Overall sentiment of the document string "positive"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Keyphrases enrichments.keyphrases Keyphrases found within the document content array(string) "Machine Learning"
"Articial Intelligence"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Named Entities
enrichments.named_entities Named entities detected in the content with sentiment and type array(object) {"name": "Emerging Technologies", "sentiment": "positive", "type": "organization"}
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok
Location - Location details, for example the country of the document's origin
Country Code location.country_code 2-letter code of the country where the document was published string "us"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
City location.city City where the document was published string "London"
News X Facebook
State location.state State where the document was published string "California"
News X Facebook Douyin
Region location.region Region where the document was published string "Rhode Island"
News X Facebook Douyin
Geo location.geo Approximate latitude and longitude where the document was published object {"latitude": 43.64801, "longitude": -93.36827}
News Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram Reddit Twitch Douyin Wechat Bilibili Youku X
Source Metrics - Metrics for the source of the document, such as reach
AVE source.metrics.ave Advertising Value Equivalency of the document numeric 10.42
News RSS X Facebook Reddit Twitch Pinterest KakaoTalk X
Reach source.metrics.reach Reach for the document, for example number of followers for social authors, or estimate of number of visitors for a news site numeric 1532
News RSS X Facebook Reddit Twitch Pinterest KakaoTalk X
Desktop Reach source.metrics.reach_desktop Estimate of number of visitors for a news site using a desktop computer numeric 1002
News RSS
Mobile Reach source.metrics.reach_mobile Estimate of number of visitors for a news site using a mobile device numeric 987
News RSS
Document Metrics - Metrics for the document, such as engagement and social echo
Editorial Echo metrics.editorial_echo How many times the article is referenced with a hyperlink in the body of a different article numeric 1000
Social Echo metrics.social_echo.total Number of times an article has been shared on social networks numeric 1054
Social Echo - X metrics.social_echo.x Number of times an article has been shared on X numeric 10
Social Echo - Facebook metrics.social_echo.facebook Number of times an article has been shared on Facebook numeric 52
Social Echo - Reddit metrics.social_echo.reddit Number of times an article has been shared Reddit numeric 19
Views metrics.views Number of views of the social post numeric 100342
X Twitch Bilibili Youku
Estimated Views metrics.estimated_views Estimated views for a news article based on the reach of the source numeric 10012
Engagement metrics.engagement.total Total engagement for the social post or article numeric 910
News Blogs Comments Forums X Facebook Instagram Pinterest Douyin RED Bilibili LineVoom TikTok
Likes metrics.engagement.likes Number of likes for the social post numeric 10
Blogs X Facebook LinkedIn TikTok
Replies metrics.engagement.replies Number of replies for the social post numeric 18
Comments Facebook Instagram Reddit Douyin RED Bilibili KakaoTalk LineVoom LinkedIn TikTok
Comments metrics.engagement.comments Number of comments for the social post numeric 10
Facebook Instagram TikTok
Shares metrics.engagement.shares Shares of the document numeric 23
Facebook Pinterest KakaoTalk LineVoom TikTok
Quotes metrics.engagement.quotes Number of quotes of the social post numeric 10
Reposts metrics.engagement.reposts Number of reposts of the social post numeric 10
Reactions metrics.engagement.reactions Total number of reactions for the social post numeric 17
Blogs X Facebook Instagram Reddit Douyin RED Bilibili KakaoTalk LineVoom LinkedIn TikTok
Customer Context - Customer-specific metadata for the document, such as if the document has been tagged
Tags custom.tags Tags applied to the document in the Meltwater application array(string) "My tag"
"Brand mentions"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok
Hidden custom.hidden True if the document has been hidden in the Meltwater application boolean true
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Visiblity custom.visible Whether the document is public (available to all customers), or private to the customer exporting data string "public"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X

CSV / Excel Format Templates

Templates designed for analysts bringing data into spreadsheets and BI tools.

Column Description Type Example Values Earned Media Sources Owned Social Sources
Document Metadata - High-level details for documents, such as the document type and ID
Date Date when the document was published by the source string "2023-05-24"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Time Time when the document was published by the source string "14:30"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Document ID Unique ID of the document in the Meltwater platform string "1713459776000_K49ugt285FchyyIqJ15D85lyR5wA"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
URL URL of the document string "https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/21/world/lyrid-meteor-shower-april-pink-moon-scn"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Source Domain Domain or subdomain for the source string "bbc.com"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Source Metadata - Details of the source that the document originates from
Information Type Information type of the source, for example 'news' string "news"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Source Type The type of the source, for example a forum string "online news"
"social network"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Source Name The name of the source string "New York Times"
News RSS Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Match Context - Details of why this document has been matched for output
Input Name Inputs that caused the document to match array(string) "My Brand Search"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Keywords Keywords that were found and led to the match array(string) "Tesla"
"artificial intelligence"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Hit Sentence Sentence within the document that led to the match string "..announced today that they plan to launch a new product featuring new AI capabilities..."
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok
Author - Details of the document's author, such as name or handle
Author Name Name of the document's author string "John Smith"
News RSS Blogs Reviews Forums Facebook YouTube Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook TikTok X
Author Handle Handle of the document's author string "john_smith"
Blogs Comments Facebook Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Instagram TikTok X
Content - Content fields for the document, such as title
Content Type The type of content contained in the document string "news article"
"blog post"
"forum post"
"forum post reply"
"direct message"
"social post"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Title Title of the document string "Today Joe Biden announced his plans for social care"
News RSS Blogs Forums Facebook YouTube Reddit Twitch Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk
Opening Text Opening text of the document string "In the past 20 years, the reverence for the film has only grown, to the point that Napoleon (Jon Heder), Pedro (Efren Ramirez) and Uncle ..."
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Image URL for the main image of a document string "http://images.newsite.com/path/to/image.jpg"
News Blogs Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Instagram TikTok
Hashtags Hashtags within the document content array(string) "#ai"
Blogs Instagram YouTube Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Bilibili LineVoom Facebook Instagram TikTok
Links Links found within the document content array(string) "http://www.newsite.com/link/to/article"
News Blogs Forums Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Wechat Bilibili Youku LineVoom
Enrichments - Enrichments applied by the Meltwater platform, such as sentiment
Language The language detected for the document string "English"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Sentiment Overall sentiment of the document string "positive"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Keyphrases Keyphrases found within the document content array(string) "Machine Learning"
"Articial Intelligence"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Location - Location details, for example the country of the document's origin
Country Country where the document was published string "United States"
"United Kingdom"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok X
Region Region where the document was published string "Rhode Island"
News X Facebook Douyin
State State where the document was published string "California"
"New York"
News X Facebook Douyin
City City where the document was published string "London"
"New York"
News X Facebook
Source Metrics - Metrics for the source of the document, such as reach
Reach Reach for the document, for example number of followers for social authors, or estimate of number of visitors for a news site numeric 13521
News RSS X Facebook Reddit Twitch Pinterest KakaoTalk X
AVE Advertising Value Equivalency of the document numeric 10.42
News RSS X Facebook Reddit Twitch Pinterest KakaoTalk X
Document Metrics - Metrics for the document, such as engagement and social echo
Social Echo Number of times an article has been shared on social networks numeric 1054
Editorial Echo How many times the article is referenced with a hyperlink in the body of a different article numeric 1000
Engagement Total engagement for the social post or article numeric 910
News Blogs Comments Forums X Facebook Instagram Pinterest Douyin RED Bilibili LineVoom TikTok
Shares Shares of the document numeric 23
Facebook Pinterest KakaoTalk LineVoom TikTok
Quotes Number of quotes of the document numeric 10
Likes Number of likes for the social post numeric 10
Blogs X Facebook LinkedIn TikTok
Replies Number of replies for the social post numeric 12
Comments Facebook Instagram Reddit Douyin RED Bilibili KakaoTalk LineVoom LinkedIn TikTok
Reposts Number of reposts of the social post numeric 10
Comments Number of comments for the social post numeric 10
Facebook Instagram TikTok
Reactions Total number of reactions for the social post numeric 10
Blogs X Facebook Instagram Reddit Douyin RED Bilibili KakaoTalk LineVoom LinkedIn TikTok
Views Number of views of the social post numeric 10023
X Twitch Bilibili Youku
Estimated Views Estimated views for a news article based on the reach of the source numeric 4000
Customer Context - Customer-specific metadata for the document, such as if the document has been tagged
Document Tags Tags applied to the document in the Meltwater application array(string) "My brand"
"My CEO"
News RSS Blogs Comments Reviews Forums X Facebook Instagram YouTube Reddit Twitch Pinterest Douyin RED Wechat Bilibili Youku KakaoTalk LineVoom Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok